Sunday, July 26, 2009

And So It Begins . . .

Here it is: my first blog entry. How exciting.

I started this blog (though I have been previously against such things in the past) as a way to keep my family and friends updated while I'm in China. You see, I am going to China to teach English to little children. I am not being paid money, but I am really excited for the experience.

For me, the worst part of starting a blog (or any other sort of profile) is coming up with a display name and title. The display name was simple for me. But not the title. I wanted it to be something awesome. Something that when people looked at it, they thought "Wow, that is awesome. Just like Ammanda!" ;) Luckily for me, I had mi padre helping me out. Unluckily for me, he crushed all my joke titles, like "Bowie Lover" or "*insert title with lots of swears here*". But I want you all to know: They were joke titles. Emphasis on "joke". I wanted a title with lots of pizzazz. I happen to like titles that are really long, too. But my father reminded me that my blog title is part of the address. He then suggested (after turning down the highly popular "Ammanda's Blog Rule" idea) "Just Sayin" which is actually something I say a lot.

What a wonderful story ;)


  1. Cool, this is a good idea. :)
    Also, I think Bowmanda would've worked as a title. Just sayin. ;)

  2. Yeah Helen. That would have been way classy.

  3. Looking forward to reading more! Fly safe and see you at Christmas!

  4. Have you ever looked at how long my blog title is? Have fun in China.
